Mole Breakfast
6:02am Tuesday, July 23, 2019
What better way to celebrate the mole than surrounded by many of your mole-loving friends, and perhaps a few of the furry creatures themselves! The Mole Breakfast is hosted by ChemEd and facilitated by the National Mole Day Foundation board members.
At this deluxe breakfast, you will:
Find some NMDF mole swag at your tables
Recite the pledge to the mole
See the Mole of the Year award be presented
Participate and/or vote in an international mole beauty pageant - bring your best student or self created MOLE to compete!
A chance to purchase this year's NMDF themed shirt and other NMDF items that are currently listed at the NMDF store.
Additionally, the National Mole Day Foundation offers a travel grant to help new teachers (2-6 years) attend conferences to 'fill their bag of tricks' which in turn increases how many students will become enthused and excited about chemistry, the primary goal of the National Mole Day Foundation. A description of, and applications for, the George Hague Memorial Travel Award can be found here.
The Mole Breakfast must be registered for in advance with conference registration.
Cost: $16